James Vitali
May 29, 2020
Lessons from Disraeli’s Institutionalism: why Conservatives must be the champions of the NHS
At the Union a few terms ago, a debate was held on the motion “This House regrets the NHS’s status as a national religion”. It was a...
Edward Pygge
May 26, 2020
The campaign against Dominic Cummings is politically motivated, contrived, and deceitful faux outrag
In the past, investigative journalism yielded significant scoops of great public interest which exposed major corruption and dodgy deals....
Phil Salway
May 25, 2020
Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it does not matter
Sitting down to write this I don’t think it requires 1500 words and I’m not sure I have the time. There are dogs to walk, punts to sit...
Edward Pygge
May 12, 2020
Nearly two months in, the lockdown has proven to be flawed.
It's hard to be rational when thinking about a malignant disease like Covid-19, but we must face some hard truths about the policy of...
Edward Pygge
Apr 29, 2020
Why the Left is wrong about Britain's arms industry
Recent commentary published in Varsity has argued that the Cambridge Careers Service should effectively portray arms companies in a...
William Phelps
Apr 18, 2020
The Radical Left and the Danger of Immanetised Eschatology
In the past 3 years, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the Russian town of Bor twice. Described by Lonely Planet as an ‘unattractive...
Hugh Wright
Apr 17, 2020
Britons Never Will Be Slaves?
At a time of great upheaval and instability at home, and conflict abroad, an Englishman and a Scotchman came together to write a new song...
William Phelps
Apr 13, 2020
Nietzsche, Thatcher, and the Death of Paternalism
Although not a poet by trade, Billy Ocean’s pronouncement that ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’ has been proved more...
Curran Snell
Apr 9, 2020
Self-Sufficiency under the lockdown
Thankfully, German U-boats do not now prowl our waters, but for the past few weeks we have seen empty supermarket shelves, panic buying,...
Isaac Lamb
Apr 8, 2020
Obsessing over privilege stops students from getting their house in order
If you do not think exams should be cancelled, you are blinded by privilege. Clearly, having stable internet access, living in a...